本研究利用灰關聯理論分析營養物質氮(N)和磷(P)對竹圍紅樹林自然保護區內矮生帶水筆仔("Kandelia candel" (L.) Druce)的生長影響。田野施肥試驗利用硫酸銨和過磷酸鈣為植株氮和磷的來源,施肥一年後,收集第一對幼葉至第八對完全展開葉,其中包含黃化的兩對最老葉,測定八個包含色素合成和降解階段中的葉片葉綠素含量,構建原始序列數據及計算灰初值化或均值化。依初值化或均值化後的灰關聯運算,氮、磷對葉綠素含量和葉綠素a/b比值之灰關聯排序依序是P>NP>N,此結果顯示與未施肥植株最相近者為P,其次為NP,再者為N,亦即P處理最不影響葉綠素生合成及a/b比值之變化趨勢。因此,影響矮生帶水筆仔葉綠素含量的營養因子之順序為N>NP>P,氮是影響矮生帶水筆仔葉綠素合成和降解的最重要因素,磷不如氮重要,但氮、磷的交互作用和氮具相同的影響效果。
Grey relational analysis was employed to study the effect of nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P or NP) nutrients on the growth of dwarf "Kandelia candel" (L.) Druce in the Chuwei Mangrove Nature Preserve. A field fertilization experiment was designed using ammonium sulfate and superphosphate as the main sources of N and P. Shoots with at least 8 pairs of leaves, of which the two oldest pairs were yellowing, were collected at one year after fertilization. Chlorophyll content of eight proposed stages, including pigment synthesis and degradation, was determined. The primitive sequence data were constructed, and the grey initial normalization and mean normalization were calculated. For chlorophyll content and a/b ratio, the grey relational grade and order, based on both initial and mean normalization, is Γ_P>Γ_(NP)>Γ_N, indicating the similarity with non-fertilizer plants is P > NP >N. In other words, P treatment affected chlorophyll accumulation and the a/b ratio patterns were less than NP and N treatment. Thus, the order of the factor importance, which is the reverse sequence of the grey relational grade, is N>NP>P. The grey relational analysis strongly indicated that N is the most important factor affecting the synthesis and degradation of chlorophyll in dwarf "K. candel" (L.) Druce; P is not so important as N; however, the combination of N and P had the same effect as N.