比較以扦插法與誘植法繁殖‘桃園三號’草苺隔年用育苗母株時,母株上走莖與花序之形成量,同時評估栽培環境中溫度與日長對走莖與花序發生之影響。結果顯示,扦插法可獲得顯著較多之走莖。以誘植法繁殖時,母株上走莖發生之趨勢與高於25℃之日頻度趨勢相近,而扦插法處理者之趨勢與高於20℃之日頻度趨勢相近,此種差異應與扦插法處理者提早疏除走莖,所造成修剪的刺激有關。兩種方法處理的母株,均在幾無20℃累計低溫量下即可萌出花序,加上其母本之特性,推斷‘桃園三號’可能是一個超短日型(Infra Short Day)品種,而非日中性型品種。用於扦插法之母株,可產生顯著較多之花序,同時每個花序上之小花數亦較多。因此,就走莖發生數與開花性狀評估,以扦插法繁殖較誘植法有利。
Effects of cutting and layering method on runner and inflorescences production in 'Taoyuan No.3' strawberry was compared, meanwhile the effects of daylength and temperature were evaluated. Cutting method produced more runners. Runner formation of the stock plants used in layering method was close to the tendency of temperature frequency above 25℃, those used in cutting method had the tendency close to temperature frequency above 20℃. Such difference could be related to the early removal of lateral runners by cutting method. Plants propagated with both methods produced inflorescences without accumulating chilling units below 20℃. According to the characteristics of its parentage, 'Taoyuan No.3' might be an infra-short-day variety. Stock plants used in cutting method generated more inflorescences and more flowers on each inflorescence. According to the number of runner formation and the characteristics of flowering, cutting propagation is better than layering.