宜蘭地區天候冷涼多雨,為探討在此種特殊環境下哈密瓜栽培管理最佳之覆蓋方法及覆蓋資材,本試驗採用:(1)銀黑色塑膠布、黑色不織布、42g/ m^2不織布等三種畦面覆蓋資材;(2)23g/ m^2、30g/ m^2㎡、42g/ m^2、50g/ m^2等四種不同規格不織布直接覆蓋植株;以及(3)防霧塑膠布、普通塑膠布、紅色塑膠布、42g/ m^2不織布等四種不同資材,以隨道式覆蓋資株,分別與裸露(不覆蓋)者相互比較。結果顯示畦面以覆蓋銀黑色塑膠布最佳,黑色不織布其次,42g/m^2不織布則不適宜做畦面覆蓋。植株覆蓋方面,採用直接覆蓋方法覆蓋物容易受潮積水而粘貼擠壓植株,對生長結果有不良影響,尤其不織布規格越厚重者產量、品質有越差之趨勢,勿須使用隧道式覆蓋方可確保生產。隧道式覆蓋資材以防霧塑膠布效果最佳,普通透明塑膠布其之,紅色塑膠布再次之,42g/ m^2不織布則產量品質明顯下降,不宜採行。綜合本試驗結果,以畦面覆蓋銀黑色塑膠布,植株採用隧道式覆蓋防霧塑膠布,可獲得最佳產量與品質,每株平均結果數4.5個,每公頃可收穫76.5公噸,糖度達14.6°Brix。隧道式覆蓋資材之透光度與果實糖度、果肉硬度呈正相關,與單株著果數、單果重、果肉厚度等關係不明顯。
Due to the rainy and cool weather, the production of honeydew in Yilan area has been forced to meet difficulty in the past years. The objecctive of this study was to seek for a optimum mulch material and method to protect the plants from unsuitable climate. Three experiments were conducted from 1993 to 1994. They were: silver-black plastic, black non-woven fabric and 42g/ m^2 non-woven fabric films were screened as mulch materials on planting-beds. non-woven fabric film with different weight of 23g/ m^2, 30g/ m^2, 42g/ m^2 and 50g/ m^2 were tested as the floating mulch materials on the plants. anti-dew plastic,common plastic, red plastic, and 42g/ m^2 non-woven fabric films were compared as tunnel structure materials.The results showed that sliver-black plastic film was the best mulch material for planting-bed, and 42g/ m^2 non-woven fabric film was unsuitable for mulch on planting-bed. Floating mulch was not a good method to be'recommended to the growers in Yilan area, because of the injury of leaves, shoots and plants caused by the crush of wet and heavy film. Tunnel sturcture was necessary in Yilan area to protect the plants from the squeeze of mulched film. The tunnel sturcture with anti-dew plastic film had the highest production and best quality, whereas those with 42g/m^2 non-woven fabric film appeared to be the worst. The planting-bed mulched by silver-black plastic film, combined with the tunnel structure mulched by anti-dew plastic film, was the best approach to produce honeydew in Yilan area. The total production could be reached 76.5 metric tons per hectare, and the total soluble solids of fruits was as high as 14.6°Brix. In additions, there was a positive correlation between the solar penetration percentage of tunnel structure materials and the total soluble solids and hardness of flesh.