摘要 本研究之目的旨在探討水銀燈及高壓 鈉燈在全生育期全夜照明對水稻(Oryza sativa)品種臺 8 號、臺農秈20 號、菱角 (Trapa natans) 及印度棗(Zizyphus mauritana)品種蜜棗之生長及開花影響。結 果顯示,夜間光照處理會造成水稻及菱角開 花日期之延遲,然而若全夜以高壓鈉燈照 明,則反使印度棗提早開花。本研究之結果 對於臺灣第二高速公路沿線作物之選擇,可 提供重要之參考。
ABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars Taiken 8 and Tainung Sen 20, water caltrops (Zizyphus mauritana) and Indian jujube (Trapa natans) cultiver Honey Date were used to study the effect of lighting by mercury lamp and/or high pressure sodium lamp during the night on the growth and flowering time. It showed that lighting treatment during nighttime period resulted in a delay of flowering in both rice and water caltrops plants. However, early flowering was observed in Indian jujube plants when treated with sodium lamp all night. Results obtained from this study may be useful for selecting crops cultivated along the sideway of the Second Highway in Taiwan.