摘要: | 本試驗以‘桃園一號’草莓為材料,探討草莓苗根冠大小及採收期植株留葉片數對植株生長和產量的影響。草莓苗依根冠直徑分成 A(A<6mm)、B(6mm≦B<9mm)、C(9mm≦C<12mm)及D(D≧12mm) 等四級,定植後 120 天內之葉面積及定植後 60 天內之植株株冠面積隨根冠直徑增加而增加,並呈顯著直線正相關關係。A 處理初期產量為 47.5 g/plant,顯著低於 B、C 及 D 處理初期產量分別為 72.1、80.6 及73.6 g/plant,後三處理之間處理間差異不顯著;後期產量介於 109.8-127.5g/plant,處理間差異不顯著;總產量以 C 處理 215.6g/plant 最高,其次為B處理 198.4 g/plant,兩者間差異不顯著,D 及 A 處理分別為 100.5及96.2 g/plant,'顯著低於 C 處理。以產生而言 B(6mm≦B<9mm) 和 C(9mm≦C<12mm) 兩級的苗較佳。草莓植株於定植後 3 個月,進行留葉處理分為每株留 6、10、14、18 及 22 葉等五處理,初期產量分別為 87.4、90.4、1003、92.3及89.2 g/plant,處理間無顯著差異;採收初期平均果重分別為 7.0、7.2、6.6、6.5及5.3 g/plant,留 6 葉及 10 葉處理採收初期果實數較其它處理少,但平均果重、合格品率高於其它處理。採收後期產量分別為 87.5、141.0、130.3、147.6 及 139.3 g/plant;總產量則分別為 174.9、231.4、230.6、232.7 及 228.5 g/plant,留 6 葉處理之後期產量及總產量皆顯著低於其它處理,因此建議‘桃園一號’最適當留 10 個葉片。
The objects of this experiment were to investigate the influences of the crown size of plantletss of Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. 'TY.NO.1' on plant growths and fruit yields, and to investigate the influences of leaf numbers of plants on fruit yields too.These plantletss were classified into 4 classes of A(A<6mm)、B(6mm≦B<9mm)、C(9mm≦C<12mm)及D(D≧12mm) according to their crown diameters. The larger the crown size the larger the leaf area within 120 days after planting, and the larger the canopy within 60 days after planting. The early harvest yields yield from crown size less 6 mm was significantly less than others. The later yields from various classes were between 109.76 and 127.5 g/plant, and had insignificantly different. The total yield of C class was the highest one of 215.6 g/plant, of B class was the second rank of 198.4 g/plant, Both D and A classes were 100.5 and 96.2 g/plant, respectively. It were concluded that the crown sizes of B (6≦B< 9 mm) and C ( 9≦C< 12 mm) classes were recommeded to be planted in Taiwan. After 3 months of planting, part of plant leaves were removed per week to keep 6, 10, 14, 18and 22 leaves/plant, that were 87.4, 90.4, 100.3, 92.3 and 89.2 g/plant, respectively, and did insignificantly different at the early harvest, these treatment of 6 and 10 leaves produced less fruits than others, but did heavier fruit weight and rate of marketable fruits. The later harvest yields of 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 leaves/plant treatments were 87.5, 141.0, 130.3, 147.6 and 139.3 g/plant, respectively. As well as, total yields were 174.9, 231.4, 230.6, 232.7 and 228.5 g/plant, respectively. Total yield and later yield of these treatments except of the 6 leaves treatment were insigníficantly different. It were concluded that the plants keeping 10 leaves resulted to the best yield. |