本研究的主要目的在探討3項主題:(1)臺北市內湖區中年族群的飲食綠色消費知識與行為之現況;(2)不同背景的中年族群知識或行為的差異情形;(3)分析知識與行為之間的相關性。本研究對象為內湖區年齡介於45歲至64歲中年族群,研究方法採用便利抽樣方式蒐集樣本,共發放450份問卷,有效問卷為390份,研究數據運用SPSS 20.0統計軟體,進行統計分析。研究結果顯示女性的飲食綠色消費知識及行為得分均高於男性,年輕中年族群(45-49歲)的知識得分優於高年齡(60-64歲)族群。在職業變項方面,「軍公教職人員」的知識得分高於「商業人士」,而「軍公教職人員」與「其他職業」族群行為得分均優於「運輸及通訊業人士」。另外,月零用錢多寡對知識或行為皆無顯著差異性。具有「研究所以上」學歷族群的知識得分顯著高於「國中(含)以下」學歷者,但在行為方面則沒有顯著差異性。實行綠色飲食生活模式愈久的族群,其飲食綠色消費行為愈正確。本研究結果發現飲食綠色消費知識與行為具有低度正相關(Pearson係數=0.177)。綜合以上結果,政府應該加強飲食綠色消費知識的宣導,尤其是年齡較老的男性族群,以及從事「商業」及「運輸及通訊業」的中年人士,以促進民眾實施飲食綠色消費生活。
The purposed of this study was to explored three issues of concerns: (1) the status of knowledge and behavior of green diet consumption for middle-age people in Neihu District, Taipei; (2) the differences of knowledge and behavior among subpopulation of middle-age people with different individual background; (3) the correlation between knowledge and behavior of subject. The subject aged 45-64 year-old in Neihu District were recruited by convenience sampling. A total of 450 copies of questionnaires were issued, with 390 valid copies received. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 20.0 software. The results showed that female subject were better than male subjects in knowledge and behavior of green diet consumption. The knowledge score for 45-49 year-old group was higher than 60-64 year-old group. For considering the effects of occupational variables on green diet consumption, the knowledge score for public employees group was higher than that of business people group. Both the behavior score for public employees group and other group were better than that of transportation and communication services group subjects. However, there were no difference among variable monthly pocket money group in knowledge and behavior of green diet consumption. Our result also showed that the people with graduate school degree were better than the people with middle school degree in green diet knowledge. Though, there was no difference among all the education levels groups for green diet behavior. We also found the green diet experience duration was longer, the green diet behavior was more correct. Furthermore, there was a low positive correlation between knowledge and behavior for middle-aged people (Pearson's correlation coefficient=0.177). Based on the results of this study, there were some suggestions proposed for authority departments of government should improved green diet knowledge for middle-aged people