摘要: | 兩棲及爬行動物會利用天然的樹洞、洞穴和岩縫等作為避所藉以躲避天敵、暫避惡劣環境或進行繁殖與冬眠。但由於人類的開墾活動使得兩棲及爬行動物的天然避所因而消失,使它們轉而利用人為的結構物作為避所,因而誘使吾人進行此方面之相關研究。本研究在陽明山區路旁擋土牆共計設有6個樣區,於夜間(19:00~24:00)進行兩棲及爬行動物對擋土牆排水管利用情形進行調查。由2010年07月至2011年03月共計18次的調查當中,計有50個排水管以及154管次與106隻次之兩棲及爬行動物利用資料登錄。經統計分析後得知有10種兩棲及爬行動物會利用擋土牆排水管作為避所,且以高度90cm、深度90cm與口徑10cm的排水管利用率最高。其中,斯文豪氏赤蛙(Odorrana swinhoana)主要用來休息,鉛山壁虎(Gekko hokouensis)作為產卵場,而紅斑蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)用來等待蛻皮或休息。在樣區管次使用率中以中正山產業道路(III)樣區最高。由卡方分析知兩棲及爬蟲動物多利用高度低而深且口徑小或高度高而淺且口徑大之擋土牆排水管。由本次調查了解擋土牆之排水管的確可成為兩棲及爬行動物之避所。希望未來在進行擋土牆工程而破壞野生動物自然避所的同時,能多為野生動物著想,蓄意營造出適合野生動物為避所之結構物如擋土牆之排水管,以期開發對野生動物族群的衝擊能降至最低。
Wildlife of amphibians and reptiles need to find limbs or cavities of tree, fissures, cliff cave as their shelter to rest, roost, nest, reproduce and/or hibernate in the wild. But when we develop for farming, road building and trees cutting, the natural shelter will be destructed. However, we found many kinds of amphibians and reptiles using different type of man-made constructions as their shelter. This is the reason for us to investigate related study. There were 6 retaining-wall plots with their drainage pipes along the road of Yang-Ming-Shan area. The investigation time was from 19:00 to 24:00 by inspecting and recording the kinds of drainage pipes being used by amphibians and reptiles as well as the height, depth, diameter of drainage pipes and the temperature differences between inside and outside of the drainage pipes. There were 18 times of investigation from July of 2010 to March of 2011 with a total of 50 drainage pipes and 154 pipe frequencies being used and 106 animal frequencies of amphibians and reptiles being recorded. There were 10 species of amphibians and reptiles using the drainage pipes as their shelter, and a higher use percentage was found from drainage pipe of 90 cm height, 90 cm depth, and 10 cm diameter. For example, Odorrana swinhoana used the drainage pipe for resting, Gekko hokouensis as reproduction, and Dinodon rufozonatum for exuviations and/or resting. Highest pipe-use percentage was found from Chiang Kai-shek Farm Road (III) plot. From the results of chi-squares, most amphibians and reptiles use drainage pipes of either high-deep-narrow diameter or low-short-wide diameter. Certainly, the wildlife of amphibians and reptiles did use the drainage pipe of retaining wall as shelter. Therefore, in the future when we make a retaining wall, we should consider the size of drainage pipes in the retaining wall for construction as their shelter. And it is our hope to reduce the impact to wildlife as low as possible. |