本試驗之目的乃在探討高與低含量飼糧纖維對雛土番鴨及北京鴨生長性狀、血漿脂質及電解質成分之影響。以2週齡雛土番鴨及北京鴨,分成二個處理組,每個處每品種每處理組5隻關1欄,二重複,共使用40隻,分別餵飼含粗纖維4及12%之同代謝能及等蛋白飼糧,試驗期為1週。試驗結束時,則由鴨翼下靜脈採血。結果顯示,雛土番鴨及北京鴨採食高含量纖維飼糧之體增重與飼料效率顯著地變差(P < 0.05),血漿總膽固醇與三酸甘油酯濃度不受品種與飼糧纖維含量之影響,但高飼糧纖維會增加雛鴨血尿素氮濃度,並且使血漿鈣濃度下降,而鴨隻血漿氯、鈉、鉀、磷與鎂等電解質濃度,則受飼糧纖維含量之影響(P < 0.05)。
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of high or low dietary fiber level on growth performance, plasma lipid and electrolyte concentrations between Mule and Pekin ducklings during growing period. Forty 2-week-old Pekin and mule ducklings were each divided into 2 groups. Five birds of each breed were kept in one cage with 2 replicates in each group and feed and water were supplied ad libutum. Each group of ducklings was fed one of two isocaloric and isonitrogenous experimental diets containing 4% and 12% dietary fiber for 1 week. At the end of the experiment, all ducklings were bled via wing vein for the measurements of blood parameters. The results showed that the body weight of ducklings fed diet containing 12% dietary fiber was significantly lower than that of ducklings fed diet containing 4% dietary fiber (P < 0.05). Different dietary fiber levels did not affect plasma triglyceride and total cholesterol concentration of ducklings. High dietary fiber diet increased plasma urea nitrogen concentration, but decreased plasma calcium concentration of ducklings. In addition, high dietary fiber level affects plasma chloride, sodium, potassium, and magnesium concentrations of ducklings (P < 0.05).