陽明山國家公園(Yangmingshan National Park)具有豐富的生物多樣性,密集且頻繁的交通使得野生動物易遭衝撞與輾壓而亡。本研究的主要目的是調查陽明山不同道路的路殺(roadkill)蛇類。調查時間為2011、2012及2013年,共計2個年度,頻率次數為每周二次,每次調查時間約3-4小時,利用機車以時速20-50公里行駛於所設的13條樣線,記錄道路上的蛇類遺體並加以鑑定,並探討易肇事路段之周遭環境。結果2年度共記錄調查蛇類257隻次,以百拉卡公路記錄隻次最多(第1年度26.8%、第2年度28.2%,其遺體周遭環境多以闊葉林為主(第1年度佔71.65%、第2年度71.7%)且無人工建築較多(第1年度40.21%、第2年度48.1%)。
Yangmingshan National Park possesses rich biodiversity, but it is easy to make wild animals collided and crushed to death by dense and heavy traffic of Yangmingshan park roads. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the roadkill snake's remains on whole Yangmingshan road. The frequency of investigation were twice a week, eight times a month, at two years from 2011 to 2013. Each investigation traveled on the 13 setting transects about 3-4 hours at a speed of 20-50 km by locomotive, that record and identify the roadkill remains, at the same time, the accident-prove roads and the surrounding environment also were further analyzed. The results revealed that 257 snake remains were found where Bailaca road appeared the most (the 1st and 2nd year occupied 26.8% and 28.2%). The surrounding enviroument of snake remains showed mostly broad-leaved forest (the 1st and 2nd year occupied 71.65% and 71.7%) and less artificial construction (the 1st and 2nd year occupied 40.21% and 48.1%).