摘要: | 本研究於桃園林口工業區、彰化彰濱工業區、台南科學工業園區進行調查,紀錄喬木種類、數量與胸徑,計算碳固定量,並經由重要值指數分析(IVI)結果,選出進行滯塵量實驗的樹種。目的在於瞭解工業區樹種的種類、生長概況,比較其碳固定與滯塵的效果,篩選出適合推廣最為高固碳、高滯塵量的樹種,提供綠美化樹種參考。在碳含量方面,根據綠地面積推估林口工業區總碳固定量為26.9 ton,彰濱工業區總碳固定量為13,929.9 ton,台南科學工業區總碳固定量1,797.17 ton。單株碳固定量以林口工業區的雀榕(Ficussuperba Var. japonica)0.201 ton 最大,並根據各工業區單株碳固定量結果選出雀榕、白千層(Melaleuca leucadendron)、相思樹(Acacia confusa)、山欖(Planchonella obovata)、福木(Garcinia multiflora)、小葉欖仁(Terminalia boivinii)、阿勃勒(Cassia fitula)、美人樹(Chorisia speciosa)等樹種為高固碳樹種。滯塵量方面林口工業區滯塵量範圍為0.0032~0.3702 mg/cm^2、彰濱工業區滯塵量範圍為0.0217~0.4840 mg/cm^2、台南科學工業園區滯塵量範圍為0.0489~0.3064 mg/cm^2,滯塵量最佳的樹種分別是印度橡膠(Ficuselastica)、芒果(Mangifera indica)、流蘇(Chionanthus retusus)、夾竹桃(Nerium indicum)、白水木(Tournefortia argentea)、黃槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)、白千層、茄苳(Bischofia javanica)、小葉欖仁、羅漢松(Podocarpus macrophyllus)、臺灣赤楠(Syzygium formosanum),可推廣作為淨化空氣、防止揚塵的樹種。
This study measured the number and diameters of the trees located at the Linkou Industrial Park, Chung-hua Coastal Industrial Park and Tainan Science-based Industrial Park to estimate their carbon stocks. Importance value index (IVI) was used to select tree species for dust retention experiments. The objectives are to examine the conditions of tree growth and to compare their potentials in terms of carbon sequestration and dust retention, so as to provide recommendations for tree species selection. The results showed that the carbon stocks of trees at the Linkou Industrial Park, Chung-hua Coastal Industrial Park and Tainan Science-based Industrial Park were 2.69 ton, 13,929.9 ton, and 1,797.17 ton respectively. Ficus superba Var. japonica contained the highest carbon stock of 0.201 ton per tree, followed by Ficus superba Var. japonica, Melaleuca leucadendron, Acacia confuse, Planchonella obovata, Garcinia multiflora, Terminalia boivinii, Cassia fitula, Chorisia speciosa. The dust retentions at the Linkou Industrial Park, Chunghua Coastal Industrial Park and Tainan Science-based Industrial Park were 0.0032~0.3702 mg/cm^2, 0.0217~0.4840 mg/cm^2, and 0.0489~0.3064 mg/cm^2, respectively. The best tree species for dust retention included Ficus elastica, Mangifera indica, Chionanthus retusus, Nerium indicum, Tournefortia argentea,Hibiscus tiliaceus, Melaleuca leucadendron, Bischofia javanica, Terminalia boivinii, Podocarpus macrophyllus, Syzygium formosanum, which are ideal greening plants for air purification and dust prevention. |