本文主要探討不同材質、硬度及厚度之醋酸乙烯鞋墊發泡材對其能量回傳性能之影響效應,使用衝擊試法進行測試分析,利用量測之最大位移及第一次反彈高度來評估其能量回傳性能。結果顯示,具橡膠與不具橡膠之醋酸乙烯發泡鞋墊的能量回傳力受材料硬度及厚度的影響皆不顯著。整體而言,具橡膠之醋酸乙烯發泡鞋墊較不具橡膠之醋酸乙烯發泡鞋墊有較佳的能量回傳性能。再者,醋酸乙烯發泡鞋墊之能量回傳性能與吸震性能兩者間不一成正反比的關係。某些發泡材不但除了能量回傳性能較好之外,亦具有不錯的吸震性能。因此,這證明了好的鞋墊緩衝系統設計應能兼具吸震性能暨能量回傳性能的好處。 The present study focuses on the assessment of the energy return of various EVA foamed shoesoles with different hardness and thickness. An impact testing method is used to test the energy return abilities of EVA foams. The maximum deformation and first rebound height are utilized to evaluate the energy return of EVA foams. The result shows that energy return scores are insignificantly affected by the sole thickness and hardness for both EVA foams with or without rubber components. In general, the energy return ability of EVA/Rb foams is better than that of EVA foams. It is also found that the energy return ability might not be in inverse relation to shock absorption ability for the investigated foams. Typical foams may possess the enhanced energy return characteristic with good shock absorption ability. It has shown that it is potentially achievable to design the shoe cushioning system with the benefits of enhance energy return and shock absorption.