研發存量高低與員工教育結構差異,影響廠商知識技能多寡與員工學習和應用新知的能力。本文採用Hansen(1999)之縱橫門檻模型(panel threshold model),控制員工教育結構差異對生產力之影響,檢測造成技術差異之研發存量門檻,並探討研發、研發外溢與員工教育結構差異對高低技術廠商生產力之貢獻。研究結果顯示,研發存量高低確實造成生產技術差異,而高研發密度廠商不必然屬於高技術廠商。高技術廠商之研發與研發外溢互補性大於低技術廠商;研發與碩博士人才對低技術廠商而言具互補性,對高技術廠商則具替代性。低技術下,大專專技人才對生產力之貢獻高於碩博士人才,高技術下,則反之。此外,未控制員工素質差異,可能低估研發外溢對高研發密度低技術廠商生產力之貢獻。
The amount of knowledge stock in firms is strongly related to firms’ investment in R&D and human capital. Most existing productivity literature does not control for the effects of human capital on productivity, nor does it test for the threshold value defining high-and low-tech electronics firms when analyzing the effect of research on productivity. This paper applies Hansen (1999) panel threshold model to examine whether and at what level the stock of research results in different production technology. The interaction effects on productivity of research, research spillovers and human capital proxied by the educational structure of employees are examined for both high-and low-tech electronics firms. Results show that production technologies are significantly different when research stock exceeds the threshold level. Firms with research intensity exceeding 2% are not necessarily high-tech firms. Research spillovers and internal research are complements. Internal research and employees with some graduate degree are complements for low-tech firms, but are substitutes for high-tech firms.