本文藉由重複賽局理論及引用相關案例,分析可能用來促進聯合行為成立的相關市場措施,其中包括:公會蒐集大量市場資訊、定價公式化、價格調漲 (降) 的事前公開透明化、最低價條款、大量的閒置產能及追溯既往式的最惠客戶待遇條款等;上述分析主旨是在於探討:廠商採用的這些行為是不合作的寡占競爭自然會有的行為,還是只有默契性聯合行為才可以解釋?
By adopting the repeated game theoretical perspectives and conducting a survey of relevant legal cases, this article investigates some marketing practices, such as the compiling of market information by trade associations, the standardizing of contracts, the giving of prior notification for price changes, the meeting of competition clauses, the accumulating of huge excess capacity, and the issuing of retroactive most-favoredcustomer clauses. The motivation of this study is to determine whether firms use these practices to implement tacit collusion.