本文目的為檢測台灣的製造業是否具偏向技術人力的技術變動(Skill-Biased Technological Change, SBTC)。由於台灣以中小企業為主,廠商規模差異大,不同規 模下的人力升級之型態與成因可能存在顯著的差異,因此本文也討論廠商規模在偏向技術人力的技術變動中所扮演的角色。實證研究以研發密度、購買技術密度、以及使用電腦比例等三個變數之變動量做為技術變動的代理變數,來解釋人力升級。資料採用1991年和2001年主計處「工商及服務業普查」的製造業抽查,並利用translog成本函數推導人力升級模型以進行迴歸分析。研究結果支持台灣的製造業其偏向技術人力的技術變動,並證實廠商規模顯著地影響人力升級的型態與成因,中小企業比例減少(或廠商規模擴大)的產業具有較快速的人力升級與偏向技術人力的技術變動。
This paper investigates the relationship between technological change and skill upgrading in Taiwan, with a focus on the role of firm size. The data for the empirical study are taken from the manufacturing survey of 1991 and 2001 Industry, Commerce and Service Census. A translog cost function is estimated with the intensities of R&D and purchased-technology and computer ratio as proxy variables for technological change. The empirical results suggest that technological change has significant impact on the skill upgrading in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. In other words, the results support the notion that skill-biased technological change (SBTC) exists in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. Industries with a lower SME's ratio tend to have faster skill upgrading and SBTC.