隧道之通風能力關係著用路人之健康與安全。相關工程人員除了對隧道在平常運作下的通風狀態有所了解外,亦應對一些付能發生的特殊狀況的光景能夠預先掌握。並且備妥適當之應變措施。這些工作皆有賴於隧道通風研究的進行。本文主要乃針對建構隧道單管縱流式通風系統一維理論模型的過程中所必須引用的方式與解法作詳細之探討,以便作為該系統或其他複雜系統模型進一步研發乏基礎。 There are many tunnels to be constructed in the Taiwan Area Expressway Network. The adequate ventilation of each of these tunnels is of vital importance to road users. An appropriate numerical ventilation model can be very helpful for us to predict the air quality distribution inside the tunnel system and to find out some possible solutions for unfavorable situations.
This is .a preliminary study for modeling the road-tunnel ventilation systems. The focuses of this study are on the formulation of the momentum equation and its attainable solution methods which are essential to creating a robust theoretical ventilation model for tunnel systems.