我國民法債編制定公布於民國十八年十一月二十二日,自民國十九年五月五日生效施行,卻遲至民國八十八年四月二日始通過第一次修正案,經總統於同月二十一日公布,定於民國八十九年五月五日,即民法債編施行七千週年紀念日生效施行。 此次債編修正,就原六百十九個條文中,增修刪除二百三十四個條文,變動率幾達百分之三十八,其影響重大,無與倫比,更因其為跨世紀、入千禧之債法大修正,空前絕後,堪稱絕響。 本文就此次債編修正,溯其修正之經過,逐一檢視其修正條文,針對增訂八個新的有名契約予以進一步之評述,再對其修正結果條文依其性質及內容予以分類,並就其修正原則加以檢討,就其修正結果予以評述,最後就其修正條文之溯及生效,提出看法。 本文採用比較法的評論方法,其中牽涉諸多外國法例;且論文範圍廣泛,字數繁多,難免有無法深入問題核心、全部加以透徹研究之缺憾,然而,本文深盼提出諸多之問題,能夠引起廣泛之注意及討論,更加促進我國民法理論、實務及立法之發達及進步。
The Part II, Obligation, of the Civil Code of the Republic of China was enacted on November 22, 1929 and came into effect on May 5. 1930, and as amended for the first time on April 21,1999. The Legislator, stipulated May 5, 2000 as the effective date of the amended sections. Therefore, this amendment-ill come into effect on the very day of the 70th anniversary of the original effective date of Part 5 of the Civil Code. This Amendment changes 234 sections of the original 619 sections, which is about 38% of this part of the Civil Code. We may call it the Great Amendment Across Two Centuries. This comment consists of the history f this amendment, a brief introduction of the amended sections, along with the newly eight standardized contracts. The a-ended sections are categorized by their features and contents, with comments on their effectiveness. This comment adopts the comparative law method, referring to numerous foreign law, and precedents. Due to the extensive scope of this amendment, we realize that not every legal question is carefully studied and covered hereby. The main objectives of this comment are to draw sufficient attention and discussions from the legal community. Thus further progress on the theories, practices and legislation of our Civil Code may be achieved.