摘要: | 本研究旨在了解國中生知覺導師管教方式與偏差行為的現況,並考驗不同性別、年級、學業成績、家中排行、父母婚姻狀況及家庭社經地位的國中生在知覺導師管教方式與偏差行為的差異情形。同時,探討知覺導師管教方式與偏差行為的相關性及預測性。
本研究採立意取樣方式,針對新北市某國中七、八、九年及進行調查,共發出問卷 438 份,回收問卷 410 份,回收率 93.6%,其中回收有效問卷 397 份,回收有效率 90.64%。以「基本資料調查表」、「導師處理班級事務方式量表」、「學校生活狀況量表」為研究工具,以次數分配、百分率、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析為統計方法。茲將研究結論說明如下:
1. 目前新北市某國中之國中生最常知覺的導師管教方式為「協商型」、「支持型」、「妥協型」、「強迫型」及「放任型」。
2. 目前新北市某國中之國中生的偏差行為屬於低嚴重程度。
3. 不同性別及年級之國中生在知覺導師管教方式有顯著差異存在。
4. 不同性別、年級、學業成績及父母婚姻狀況之國中生的偏差行為有顯著差異存在。
5. 國中生知覺導師管教方式為「放任型」、「強迫型」及「妥協型」與偏差行為呈現顯著正相關。國中生知覺導師管教方式為「支持型」及「協商型」與偏差行為呈負相關。
6. 國中生知覺導師使用「放任型」及「強迫型」的管教方式者或年級愈高者或學業成就愈低者或性別為男性者,會顯現愈高的偏差行為。
This study aims to understand the current status of perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles and deviant behaviors of the junior high school students, and test different gender, grade, academic achievements, birth order, parents' marital status and family socio-economic status of the junior high school students in perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles and deviant behaviors of different scenarios. At the same time, explore the correlation and predictive relationship of perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles and deviant behaviors.
Purposive research method is adopted in this study, carrying out investigations into the seventh, eighth and ninth graders of New Taipei City X Junior High School. 410 of 438 questionnaires were returned with 93.6 percent of recovery rate, including 397 valid questionnaires with recovery efficiency of 90.64%. This study adopts "Basic Information Survey" , "Scale of Class Affairs Treatment Methods for Homeroom Teachers" , "Scale of School Life Condition" as research tools, utilizing the frequency distribution, percentage, mean, std. deviation, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis as statistics methods. Findings are as follows:
1. The most frequent perceived discipline styles of homeroom teachers in x junior high school in New Taipei City are “negotiating”, “supporting” , “compromising” and “enforcing”, while “abdicating” is less perceived.
2. The deviant behavior of New Taipei City X junior high school students remains low severity at present.
3. There are significant differences in students’ perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles between different genders and grades.
4. There are significant differences in deviant behaviors of the junior high school students between different genders, grades, academic achievements and parents' marital status.
5. Perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles as “abdicating”, “enforcing” and “compromising” were positively correlated with deviant behaviors. Perceptions of teachers’ discipline styles as "supporting" and " negotiating " were negatively correlated with deviant behaviors.
6. Perceptions of homeroom teachers’ discipline styles as “abdicating”, “enforcing” or the higher grades or the lower academic achievement or gender as men who will show higher deviant behavior.
According to the above conclusions, relevant suggestions were proposed as reference for the educational administration, junior high school's administrations, junior high schools’ teachers, parents and future researchers. |