為了解北台灣火成岩流域的化學風化率和二氧化碳消耗率,本研究從2014年8月至2015年11月在台灣北部北磺溪流域的不同地點設立13個測站,使用離子層析儀分析溪水中的Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH2+、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-各主要離子濃度,並利用電位滴定和Gran plot測定檢度,進而換算次碳酸根離子濃度,用以探討北磺溪流域:(1)溪水成份受氣候因素的影響;(2)岩石化學風化率以及大氣二氧化碳消耗率。
結果發現冬季時溪水pH值明顯偏低、而夏季pH明顯偏高,顯示季節會影響溪水的pH。季節和雨量對溪水總溶解固體量(TDS)影響較小。從吉布斯圖解(Gibbs,1970)北磺溪流域溪水成份主要來自岩石風化。溪水成分因採樣地區屬硫磺溫泉區域,因此溪水有受到影響,導致各站營養鹽成分較低。北磺溪流域化學風化率64.02 t/km2/yr和二氧化碳消耗率11.52 x 106 mole/km2/yr。
In order to understand the rate of chemical weathering and carbon dioxide consuming of volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks basin in northern Taiwan, this study ran from August 2014 to November 2015. We set up 13 stations at different locations within the Northern of Taiwan of Nothern Sulfur creek Basin. We used Ion Chromatograph to analyses the stream of concentration of major ions (Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH2+、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-). And used potential titration method and Gran plot to obtain the alkalinity of the sample. The study explores within the Nothern Sulfur creek Basin: (1) The stream composition by the impact of climatic factors. (2) The rate of chemical weathering of rock and atmospheric carbon dioxide consumption.
This results showed that when the pH value is significantly lower in winter, while significantly higher pH in summer. Seasonal and rainfall is little effect on stream of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Diagram from Gibbs (Gibbs,1970) within the Nothern Sulfur creek Basin streams ingredients mainly from the weathering of rocks, stream ingredients mainly from the sulfur springs, streams been affected, resulting in lower nutrient content of each station.
Chemical weathering rates in the Nothern Sulfur creek Basin is 64.02 t / km2 / yr and carbon dioxide consumption rates is 11.52 x 106 mole / km2 / yr.