With the changes in human lifestyle, electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. People could share the information through social media within a couple of seconds, without any boundaries. Therefore, the electronic word of mouth is an important way to promote sightseeing sites. In this study, we would like to see the benefits from different tourist segment that has impacted the tourism destination, as social media becomes an integral part of marketing. To investigate the differences between the tourist segments difference in social media behavior, tourist segments has the highest money contribution, and tourist segments electronic word of mouth contribution. An analysis is performed to see if there are any differences between the international tourism experts and the general public’s opinion.
This study would be a quantitative research that would perform surveys through questionnaires. In the end, the results identified that tourist segments have significant differences in social media behavior and partial differences in money contribution. However, there are no significant differences in electronic word of mouth. The results of this study could enable decision-makers to develop better destination marketing strategy for different tourist segments.