The relationship between dividend policy and corporate operating performance is an essential topic in finance, economic and accounting domains. Mots proportion of the previous researches merely implemented ratio analysis to determine the corporate oper-ating performance. However, the ratio analysis (Eg. Return on assets or return on shareholders ..., etc.) merely considered one-input and one-output variable method which is not reliable to describe the whole facets of corporate operating situation in this highly fluctuated market. To overcome the aforementioned task, this study imple-mented a mathematical linear programming technique, namely data envelopment analy-sis, which can consider multiple-inputs and outputs simultaneously. The performance measure derived from DEA has been demonstrated it superior performance. Going through the practical examination, we can see that the dividend policy and corporate operating performance have significant positive relationship and the publicly listed electronic corporates have much intention to use cash dividend policy.While inclusion in the life-cycle perspective,electronics industry companies in the growth period prefer to pay stock dividend. Electronics industry companies in the maturity period prefer to pay cash dividends.