摘要: | 各個國家多將觀光視為重要產業並投入相當多的心力發展觀光;政府官方網站的內容和行銷手法有助於建立一個國家整體的購物形象且對於行銷旅遊目地的特色產品扮演相當重要的角色,但相關研究卻很少。本研究分析香港、日本、韓國、新加坡以及台灣五個地區的政府觀光網站。比較及分析這些網站在網站的內容、互動表現及吸引力手法。研究發現,網站在內容的部分,各官網包含多種語文版本、購物地點、推薦購物商店、特色市場、人氣商品、購物和退稅常識、購物專欄。日本官網上的人氣商品,可以直接線上購物。在互動表現上,包含問與答專區、超連結、購物經驗分享、上傳旅遊購物照片。新加坡官網的觀光客經驗分享專區,觀光客可看到上傳到社群媒體的照片。在吸引力手法方面,內容有如優惠卷、購物季、優質商戶、代言人、特別宣傳活動以及推薦購物行程。韓國官網提供多種優惠卷供觀光客下載使用。香港及韓國介紹其優質商戶系統、商標以及提供商店查詢功能。研究建議各國觀光局可參考各國網站來加強官方網站的內容與設計,藉以有效行銷購物觀光的特色且吸引觀光客的目光。
Many countries see tourism as a significant industry and puts lots of effort in it. The government tourism websites are very important for promoting a tourist destination’s shopping which can help to build a whole-side understanding of a country’s shopping image. This study explores the official tourism websites of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. This study discusses the three aspects, 1. informative 2. interactive and 3.attractive of these websites. In the perspective of informative, most official tourism websites introduce destinations’ shopping spots, recommend stores, featured markets, products, tax refund information, and shopping column. The popular products on the offical tourism website of Japan can shop on line. In the perspective of interactive, websites prefer to have shopping Q&A, visitors’ experience sharing and personalize shopping plan. Singapore provides a corner showing the shopping photos which took by the tourists. In the perspective of attractive, some official tourism websites provides coupons, shopping season, quality shops, spokesman, special campaign, and recommend shopping plan. Korea offers several different coupons on the websites. This study suggests the government of each country can compare their own official websites with others to enhance the content, design and to promote shopping tourism effectively and attract the attention from the tourists. |