摘要: | 在現今社會中,受傳播媒體及社會輿論氛圍之影響,無論男女對自身外表、身型皆有一定程度的關注。根據國外研究發現,與伴侶關係品質愈好,身體意象愈正向。而國內文獻也顯示,個人對自己身體意象愈趨於正向、積極,與伴侶、配偶之關係滿意度愈佳。是故,本研究旨在探討大臺北地區成年人的身體意象與關係滿意度之相關性,以及個人背景因素與身體意象對關係滿意度之解釋力,並根據研究結果提出建議,提供時下已婚夫妻、未婚有伴侶之成年人在兩性互動關係相處上之參考。
一、 大臺北地區成年人之「身體意象」與「關係滿意度」皆顯著高於理論中點,表示成年人對自我的身體意象知覺傾向較正向的評價,對伴侶關係滿意度亦傾向較高。
二、 「性別」在「身體意象」上有顯著差異,女性比男性在身體意象上呈現較佳的滿意度。
三、 「教育程度」在「關係滿意度」上有顯著差異,研究所(含)以上比高中職者擁有較佳的伴侶關係滿意度。
四、 大臺北地區成年人的「身體意象」與「關係滿意度」呈顯著正相關,表示身體意象愈正向者其關係滿意度亦較佳 。
五、 大臺北地區成年人之已婚者、高學歷、身體意象滿意度較高者,其關係滿意度較佳;而年齡愈高,其關係滿意度則較低,對「關係滿意度」具有11%之解釋力。
六、 大臺北地區已婚成年人之高學歷、身體意象滿意度較高者,其關係滿意度較佳,對「關係滿意度」具有8%之解釋力。
七、 大臺北地區有伴侶之未婚成年人中,身體意象滿意度較高者,其關係滿意度較佳;而年齡愈高者,其關係滿意度則較低,對「關係滿意度」具有17%之解釋力。
Influenced by media and public opinions in today’s society, both men and women have paid considerable attention to their physical appearance and body images. According to overseas studies, the better your relationship with your partner, the more positive you will be about your body image. Meanwhile, domestic studies point out that if you are about your body image, there is a better chance that you are satisfied with the relationship with your partner. Therefore, this study probes into the relativity between adults’ opinions on their body images and their satisfaction with their partnership in Taipei City and New Taipei City, and gives advice to married couples or unmarried partners on their mutual communication by analyzing the results of this study.
This study adopted snowball sampling and convenience sampling, investigating adults between 25 and 65 years old by questionnaires in Taipei City and New Taipei City, among which 419 samples were valid. The research instruments included “Background Information Form”, “Body Image Measuring Form”, and “Partnership Assessment Form”. Then, this study analyzed the data acquired using frequency distribution, percentage, average number, standard deviation, one sample t test, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé post hoc comparison, Pearson product-moment correlation and “enter” method of multiple regression.
Results of this study are as follows:
1. The opinions on their “body images” of adults from Taipei City and New Taipei City and their “relationship satisfaction” are above theoretical average, which means adults have more positive comments on their body images and partnership.
2. The opinions on “body images” reflect “gender” differences. Women tend to have more positive attitudes towards their bodies than men.
3. The opinions on “relationship satisfaction” vary with different “education levels”. Those with post-graduate degrees (or above) tend to have more satisfaction than those with high school diploma.
4. There is a positive correlation between “body images” and “relationship satisfaction” for adults in Taipei City and New Taipei City, which means that a positive opinion on body image brings better relationship satisfaction.
5. Married adults with higher education in Taipei City and New Taipei City who have higher satisfaction with their body images tend to have better satisfaction with their partnership. However, relationship satisfaction decreases along with aging process, which explains 11% of their “relationship satisfaction”.
6. For married adults with higher education in Taipei City and New Taipei City, their positive attitudes towards their body images can explain 8% of their “relationship satisfaction”.
7. For unmarried partners in Taipei City and New Taipei City, the higher their satisfaction with their body images, the better their relationship satisfaction. However, relationship satisfaction decreases along with aging process, which explains 17% of their “relationship satisfaction”.
This study has revealed that adults’ satisfaction with their partnership in Taipei City and New Taipei City has positive correlation with positive opinions on their body images and higher education. However, relationship satisfaction decreases along with aging process. So it is suggested that couples should spend more time on communication and listen to each other so as to establish common interests and positive opinions on body images. It is unfavorable for couples to ignore outer appearances due to long-time intimacy or aging but they should instead spend more time on improving their relationship so as to raise mutual satisfaction. |