現代國樂合奏若是由上海大同樂會開始算,也有將近百年的歷史,時至今日,在演出內容上也不斷地進步和發展。隨著科班教育系統的成立和職業國樂團的成立也帶動著台灣的國樂更加進步。然而在演奏人才濟濟的今日,台灣本土的國樂作曲家似乎是較為缺乏的一環,而在這為數不多的國樂作曲家當中,蘇文慶(1958- )便是一位非常優秀的作曲家。
Modern Chinese music has been nearly one hundred years, and the repertoire is progressing and developing continuously. With establishment of professional institutions of Chinese music and orchestras in Taiwan, it leads Chinese music moving forward. Although there are a lot of great Chinese music performers in Taiwan now, the number of native Taiwanese composer is limited. Neverthe less, Wen-Ching Su is a great composer.
“The Impression of Mountain and Sea” and “The Legend of the Wind Lion God”, are both two Chinese music ensemble songs, which composed with Taiwanese materials by Wen-Ching Wu. These music works have not only been performed by professional and amateur Chinese orchestras, also in music contests very often.
The author will discuss these two songs in three aspects: source materials and creating background, musical form analysis, and interpretation. The researcher expects to seek the thought of the composer, and then, conduct better music.