熱定型最重要的三個要素為溫度、速度、風量,本研究特別針對熱定型的三個要素去探討, 先從改變預定型三個要素去測量其對聚酯雙面布平方米克重的影響,設定十組不同預定型條件去測量其平方米克重平均誤差值得變化與不同條件預定後整理定型的平方米克重平均誤差值之變化,再藉由分析出的結果選擇一個最理想的預定型條件。找出最理想的預定條件後,再改變整理定型的條條件,設定七組不同的整理定型條件測量其平方米克重平均誤差值,再探討其結果變化。
Heat setting the three most important elements of temperature, speed, air flow, especially in this study to explore for heat setting of the three elements, starting with changing the predetermined type three elements to measure its polyester double-sided fabric weight per square meter of influence, ten groups of different settings and preset conditions to measure the change in weight average error value of g their weight per square meter and the average error is worth different conditions change after finishing a predetermined shape of square meters, and then analyze the results by selecting an optimal presetting condition.Once you've found the best pre-conditions, then change the shape of strip finishing conditions set seven groups of different finishing setting conditions to measure its weight per square meter average error value, and then discuss the results change.