溫泉旅遊是重要的健身與休閒的活動,尤其在台北市的北投、陽明山及烏來等地區為最,但對溫泉的正確認知、行為是必須的,其現況應先行了解,故本研究旨在探討溫泉旅遊的認知、行為與滿意度之研究。研究以問卷方式進行,其對象為20歲以上有過溫泉體驗的人,採取便利抽樣,共計收取有效問卷425份,資料以SPSS 22.0 for windows進行資料處理。統計方法分別用t-test單因子變異數分析及雪費事後檢定、皮爾森相關分析及迴歸分析;使用工具包含個人背景資料、溫泉認知、消費行為及滿意度量表。分析研究發現不同學歷之消費者對於消費者溫泉旅遊的認知及行為之差異有顯著 (p<0.05) 不同;而不同年齡、婚姻狀態、收入之消費者等有相同的旅遊認知及行為其差異不顯者。消費者溫泉旅遊的認知及行為對於旅遊滿意度等均有顯著 (p<0.05) 之相關性。根據本研究,建議相關推廣單位可據此作為掌握溫泉旅遊消費者現況的需求與消費意願,進而整體規劃並強化溫泉相關措施再進行深層行銷,以達業者與消費者雙贏的目的。
Hot spring tour is one of the important recreational activities in Taiwan, especially in Beitou, Wulai, and Yangmingshan. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the consumer’s current hot spring tour in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate how consumers’ hot spring recognition influences on their travel behavior, physical and mental health, and beauty experience. This study used quantitative method to collect data. 425 subjects who had the hot spring tour experiences with the ages over 20 were participated in this survey study.
SPSS 22.0 was used as the data analysis tool. The statistical analysis included t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc test, Pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression.
The result showed that there is significantly difference between consumers’ hot spring tour recognition and travel behavior (p<0.05). However, the consumers’ tour recognition has no direct relevance to their educational levels, but does to genders, ages, marriage status, jobs, and income. In addition, hot spring tour recognition and behaviors are significantly relevant (p<0.05) to the consumers’’ satisfaction. The contribution of this study can provide the information to tourism bureau and other relevant institutes about how to promote hot spring travel as well as improving the facilities.