摘要: | 目的:探討肥胖及體重正常的年輕男性從事單次阻力運動前後動脈硬化程度及血糖濃度之差異。方法:招募10名肥胖男性 (BMI≧27且體脂肪百分比≧20%),以及10名體重正常的健康男性 (BMI介於18-24之間且體脂肪百分比<20%) 做為對照組,兩組年齡介於18-24歲之間,無慢性疾病及家族病史。受試者隔夜空腹12小時後於早上採血並測量血壓,接著從事單次阻力運動 (80% 1RM,6次反覆,進行3組),並於運動後立即 (0分鐘) 及30分鐘分別採血及測量血壓。本研究以獨立樣本t檢定比較兩組受試者安靜狀態血壓、脈壓、血脂肪及高敏感度C反應蛋白等心血管風險因子。並以混合設計二因子 (組別 × 時間點) 變異數分析比較兩組在阻力運動前、運動後立即 (P0) 及運動後30分鐘 (P30) 3個時間點於心-踝動脈指數 (cardio-ankle vascular index, CAVI)、足踝上臂血壓比 (ankle-brachial index, ABI)、收縮壓、血漿一氧化氮、血糖、胰島素濃度等心血管變項差異,顯著水準訂為α= .05。結果:本研究肥胖組平均收縮壓 (133.75 ± 2.98 mmHg) 與脈壓 (52.05 ± 6.40 mmHg) 皆達到高血壓前期的標準,肥胖組血液中hsCRP濃度 (0.22 ± 0.26 mg/dL) 亦已經達到中度心血管疾病之風險 (0.1~0.3 mg/dL )。此外,單次阻力運動後,兩組CAVI值皆立即顯著降低 (肥胖組:5.95 ± 0.17 vs. 4.94 ± 0.29;對照組:5.85 ± 0.29 vs. 5.10 ± 0.27, p< .05),並於運動後30分鐘回到安靜水準。而在阻力運動後,肥胖組的胰島素立即增加122.95% (p< .05),血糖濃度則無變化。對照組胰島素在運動後30分鐘顯著增加572.6% (p< .05),血糖濃度顯著下降回安靜水準。結論:雖然時間不超過30分鐘,單次阻力運動短暫降低動脈硬化程度,可能有益於心血管健康,而體重正常者的血糖調節功能優於肥胖組。
Purpose: To compare the responses of arterial stiffness and glycemic regulation parameters between obese males and normal control after an acute moderate resistance exercise. Methods: Ten obese young men (obese group: BMI≧27 and percentage body fat ≧20%) and 10 normal weight young men (control group: BMI between 18-24 and percentage body fat <20%) participated in this study. All subjects aged between 18-24, with no chronic diseases and family disease history. After 12 hours of fasting, subjects reported to lab, performed an acute bout of moderate (80% 1RM, 6 repetitions, 3 sets) resistance exercise. Blood sampling and blood pressure measurement were conducted before, immediately and 30 minutes after resistance exercise. Independent-samples t test was used to analyze blood pressure, pulse pressure, blood lipids and high-sensitive C reactive protein (hsCRP) between two groups. A mixed-design two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI), ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI), systolic blood pressure, plasma nitric oxide, plasma glucose, as well as insulin concentration. Significance (α) was set at .05. Results: Systolic blood pressure (133.75 ± 2.98 mmHg) and pulse pressure (52.05 ± 6.40 mmHg) of obese group reached to prehypertension level, while hsCRP concentrations of obese group (0.22 ± 0.26 mg/dL) found to reach intermediate risk of cardiovascular disease (0.1~0.3 mg/dL). Furthermore, immediately following resistance exercise, CAVI of both groups decreased significantly (obese group: 5.95 ± 0.17 vs. 4.94 ± 0.29; contrast group: 5.85 ± 0.29 vs. 5.10 ± 0.27, p< .05), and returned to the resting level 30 minutes after exercise. The insulin concentration of obese group increased 122.95% (p< .05) immediately after resistance exercise, however, there were no differences of blood glucose concentration before and after resistance exercise. The insulin concentration of the control group significantly increased 572.6% (p< .05) 30 minutes post resistance exercise, and the blood glucose concentration significantly returned to resting level (p< .05). Conclusion: Acute reduction on arterial stiffness was observed followed by acute resistance exercise, which may be beneficial to cardiovascular health. Blood glucose regulation of control group was better than that of obese group. |