摘要: | 德川家康在1615年一統天下,建立德川幕府,進入將近三百年和平無戰事的江戶時代。為了保持和平,德川實行「參勤交代」政策,令諸侯定期前來江戶居住,家屬必須留在江戶生活,大量的工作機會吸引各地庶民前來打拼,帶動了江戶的經濟成長。天下太平與經濟成長導致庶民的通俗文化興起,甚至連貴族都為之著迷,發展出江戶獨特的多元共生生活型態。十七世紀末,江戶的繪本繪師菱川師宣從繪本插圖中獨立出單張販售的「浮世繪」版畫,具有根據庶民喜好繪製而且價格低廉的特性。順應需求製作的浮世繪忠實記錄了當時融入庶民文化後江戶多元共生生活型態。
In 1615, Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1646) had unified the whole country and set up the Tokugawa administration. The Edo era which had achieve the peace of country for nearly 300 years commenced. For keeping the stability of country, Tokugawa issued a decree ordering that all feudal lords with their families have to dwell periodically in capital city Edo. Attracted by the large amount of working opportunities offered in Edo, the people around the country gathered here and worked hard which did bring the prosperity of city. Owing to the peace and prosperousness of country, the popular culture evolved eventually which had resulted the general public a symbiotic way of Edo life. At the end of the 17th century, the Edo painter Hishikawa Moronobu (1618-1694) had issued single Ukiyo-e piece from the pictorial album, an edition which revealed the details of the pluralistic nature of popular life in Edo.
Being reflected on the social aspect, the manifestation of popular life in Edo was characterized by the high popular population density, the crowded popular wooden street house, the popular bathing social place, the popular education system, and a variety of the popular worship and festival activities, etc. Being reflected on the economic aspect, the manifestation of popular life in Edo was characterized by the ample popular labor forces, the popular commercial water transportation system, the popular tourist customs, the popular eating habits, the pleasant popular shopping activities, etc. Being reflected on the cultural aspect, the manifestation of popular life in Edo was characterized by the popular residential house and kabuki theater, and the popular cultural events of kabuki, sumo, bonsai, and tea ceremony, etc.
This research, being verified by the pictorial evidence of Ukiyo-e, is to explore the pluralistic significance of Edo social life which was revealed on the various realities of the city economic, social, and cultural manifestation. |