摘要: | 本研究的目的除了探討美妝行業者之核心能耐外,並建構美體小鋪 (The Body Shop)管理機會方格 (management opportunity grid, MOG)。本研究發展出「可靠」、「服務」、「產品」、「品牌形象」、「價格」以及「店鋪」六項美妝行業者之服務能耐構面,並歸納出41項能耐屬性問項,進行問卷調查。透過問卷方式取得顧客對於美妝行業者所提供各項服務之重要性程度與實際滿意度的認知。最後進行統計分析,探討美體小鋪應具備的核心能耐,而建構管理機會方格,並提出對美體小鋪加强服務能耐之建議與方向。通過分析,依序歸納出十項顧客所承認重要服務項目,依序爲:「有效的產品」、「公司注意精選無害皮膚材料,積極地排除某些化學物質」、「好的產品形象會使消費者產生信任感, 而安心購買」、「當有新的科學發展,不斷審查其製劑」、「發現對環境和皮膚更佳的成分(如在世界上在香水中最早使用有機公平貿易酒精)」等。
This study aims to explore the beauty industry’s core competencies, and at the same time build The Body Shop’s management opportunity grid (MOG), develope "reliability", "service", "product", "brand", "price" and "the shop" six ability dimensions of the beauty industry, and after concluding 41 ability attribute items, conduct questionnaire survey. After obtaining customer’s importance and satisfaction perception through questionnaires, statistical analysis explores which core competencies The Body Shop should possess. A few of the ten most important services by customers recognition in order, are: "Effective products", "Companies pay attention to select harmless skin material, actively exclude certain chemical substances ", "Good product image generate a sense of trust, and customers purchase peacefully", "When there are new scientific developments, continually review of its formulations", etc. Customers are most dissatisfied with "effective product". |