摘要: | 隨著全球觀光旅遊需求與日俱增,遊輪以觀光為主的新旅遊模式已成功經營旅遊市場,隨著國人生活型態轉變、生活水平提升及具有豐富的出國旅遊經驗,民眾更嚮往輕鬆自主的旅遊方式。為推廣台灣之郵輪旅遊活動,瞭解國內消費者對遊輪旅遊產品的意象及其對旅遊行為等之影響就極為重要。本研究以遊輪外觀與內部建構出遊輪意象之主要構面,並對郵輪之娛樂及設施探討國人對遊輪的意象內涵,最後再瞭解旅遊意象與人格特質對參加郵輪旅遊意願之影響進行探討。取樣對象只針對中高年齡與中高職位之人士為研究對象,並發掘這些潛在郵輪消費者族群其對郵輪意象與旅遊意願之關係。共收集400份有效問卷,以敘述性統計、信度分析、皮爾森相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計分析方法來進行問卷資料之分析。結果顯示遊輪意象之外觀整體、遊輪氛圍、遊輪設施、娛樂活動、社交利益、功能屬性與人格特質對參與意願皆具有正面的影響關係。建議郵輪公司應對遊客提供完善資訊以增加遊客之參與意願、設計台灣遊客專屬之行程增加行程內容自主性、開發多元行程以激發潛在消費者商機。
With increasing global demand for sightseeing tours, sightseeing cruises to new tourism-based model has been successfully engaged in tourism market, with people living patterns change, and enhance the standard of living has extensive experience traveling abroad, people yearn for autonomy relaxing way to travel . In order to promote cruise tours in Taiwan, understanding the cruise imaginary of Taiwan tourists and its influences on their traveling behaviors became crucial to cruise companies. In this study, the appearance and interior main facet of a cruise ship were used to construct cruise images with exploring the extra cruise imagery of tourists for its entertainment and cruise ship facilities. At last, the influences from cruise imaginary and personal traits on tourists' willingness to participate cruise tours were considered. Only middle-aged to senior tourists with middle to high working position were sampled to explore the influences from their cruise imagery on the willingness to participate cruise tours. A total of 400 valid questionnaires had been sampled. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, independent student t test, one-way ANOVA analysis, regression analysis were used to analyze these collected data. The results show that the cruise imagery including the appearance of a cruise ship, the whole cruise atmosphere, cruise ship facilities, recreational activities, social benefits, functional attributes and personal traits of tourists had positive significant influences on their willingness to participate cruise tours. Several recommendations had been given including to increase sufficient information of cruise tours to increase tourists' willingness to participate, to design unique customized cruise tours for Taiwan tourists and to increase the autonomy of cruise tours, to develop diversified cruise tours to encourage potential customers to participate curise tours. |