摘要: | 我國從1984年勞基法正式實施至今勞資爭議案件及職業災害數量呈上升趨勢,無論是勞資雙方對勞動概念正確的認識或使勞工發自內心對自我生命的重視,此種的觀念及心態必須長時間於學校階段教育養成,然而,面對有可能即將推動的勞動教育,授課教師本身勞動概念的認知與分散於教科書中的勞動概念課程內容,這兩者之間是否相符合,另我國現行分於國三及高三實施「教育會考」及「學科能力測驗」的試題內容,是否符合勞動概念涵蓋之課程重點。
Since the implementation of the Labor Standards Law became official in 1984, the number of occupational accidents and labor disputes have been increasing in Taiwan. Whether it may give a correct understanding of labor concept for both employers and employees or arouse the importance of life for the laborers, the correct labor concepts and mentalities must cultivate in school education as a long-term goal.When facing the labor education which may be implemented; however, the consistence between the cognition of lecturers’ labor concepts and their awareness of the content in the textbook becomes an important issue. In addition, it is necessary to discuss if the exam questions of Comprehensive Assessment Program for junior high school students and College Entrance Examination for senior high school students meet the curriculum of labor education.
This study used questionnaire and applied some analysis methods such as Importance-Performance Analysis, Independent-Sample T Test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results showed as follows:
1. The main labor concept contains four facets, including "work attitude and organization of labor", "labor and employer rights, and obligations", "labor and employment market", and "basic concepts of labor law".
2. There is a gap between teachers’concepts of labor education and the content in the textbooks. Teachers in all different teaching levels consider that "Labor contract" is not only the most important concept of labor education, but also is the top improvement item in the textbooks.
3. In the subjects’ background, gender differences have opposite opinions toward the facet three-"labor market and employment". Moreover, age differences have different opinions toward the facet two- "labor and employer rights, and obligations". Furthermore, there are no significant differences of teaching experience and teachers’ educational background toward all the facets.
4. Both elementary school teachers and junior high school teachers think that the more important the concept of labor, the lower satisfaction toward the textbooks. However, senior high school teachers have opposite opinion at this point.
5. "Gender work level range" took the highest proportion in the exam questions of Comprehensive Assessment Program for junior high school students and College Entrance Examination in the school years of 2012-2016. Generally speaking, the labor concepts had the lowest proportion in the exams.
The contribution of this study offers suggestions to lecturers of labor education, school administrators, government’s policies change, and future possible studies. |