This paper analyzes causes of the inequality of higher education in China. This unequal issue has been happening in China for decades, until nowadays. Recently, many protests arise because of the university inequality quota for student in each province. For this reason, it motivated the author to raise some research objective: what are the factors cause the unequal of education in China especially in higher education level? What is the tool to define or calculate this inequality? Which factor has the most unequally impact on Chinese higher education? Related to various literature reviews, the research model is developed to examine how unequal of higher education in China occurred. Its various factors impact on this inequality. Using SPSS statistical methodology and do the analysis, put HDI’s education index in 2010 as dependent variable, while independent variables are the Government expenditure, urban-rural disparity and university admission quota.
The major findings of this thesis is that the urban-rural disparity is the most important factor causes education inequality. Moreover, the other factor concerns with the admission quota is also playing role in making an inequality in Chinese Higher Education. On the other hand, in control of the Government expenditure, it displays in negative result. It indicates the administrative inefficiency of the Chinese Government. The outcome of this research concluded that there is no equal in Chinese Higher education related to statistical evidences. Therefore, the involved administrative educational section in China need to be adjusted their system or launched some policy in order to make more equal in the future.