本研究主要探討從不同類型併購之觀點檢視銀行合併、公司治理對銀行效率之影響,以2001年到2014年間之台灣銀行業為樣本,分別選取14家金控子銀行及39家非金控獨立銀行,樣本銀行共53家為主要研究對象。本研究首先採用成本面資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)模型,求算台灣銀行業成本效率值,比較金控銀行與非金控銀行之效率,且分析合併後三年內其各併購類型之效率值。再者,利用Tobit (1958)迴歸模型分析銀行併購類型、公司治理及銀行特徵變數對銀行效率之影響。根據實證結果顯示,本國銀行併購本國銀行、外商銀行併購本國銀行與外商銀行概括承受本國問題銀行等併購類型有助於提升銀行效率;進一步考慮併購類型與公司治理實證發現,僅當本國銀行併購本國銀行時有助於提升成本效率。此外,本國銀行概括承受問題信用合作社,與本國銀行概括承受問題農漁會信用部皆會造成成本效率下降。
This study examines the relationship among bank M&A, corporate governance and the impact on cost efficiency based on analysis of a sample of banking in Taiwan from 2001 to 2014. Cost efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis, then employ Tobit model to analysis the relationship among bank M&A, corporate governance and the bank characteristic of variables. The results show that domestic banks with a merger involving domestic banks and problematic banks in Taiwan lead to a higher cost efficiency. In addition, the domestic banks have lower cost efficiency if they merged with problematic credit cooperatives and credit departments of farmers’ and fishermen’s associations.