摘要: | 電影產業為文化創意產業之領頭羊。過去針對電影消費意願之研究多以電影導演、主角等因素作為探討之因素。電影產業以創意為核心價值,本研究認為探討電影創意對觀影者的消費意願之影響更為重要。因此,本研究欲探討電影獲得創意獎項是否被觀影者視為一種電影品質的象徵,由觀影決策過程模式中對觀影者的消費意願產生影響。
本研究採用實驗設計之問卷調查法。自變數為電影獲得創意獎項類型、上下檔、有無得創意獎,中介變數為觀影者對電影知覺品質的評定。依變數為觀影者之消費意願。電影創意因素獎項有:戲劇類、視覺類、技術類、音樂類(Simonton, 2011)。從台北電影節中選取獲得最多創意類獎項之電影,擷取片段影片作為實驗樣本。本研究以4X2四類創意獎項及上下檔之八組得獎實驗組及兩組上下檔的未得獎控制組為設計,共計十個情境。知覺品質與消費意願採用李克特量表問卷設計,共計24題,發放354份問卷,有效問卷338份。
Film industry, as the leading role of culture creative industry, takes creativity as its core value and has four types of creative clusters, including the dramatic, the visual, the technical, and the musical awards (Simonton, 2011). Austin (1989) offers “propositional model of movie selection” that the process before audiences decide which movie to watch. Creative clusters are not only to honor the crew with awards, but also influence the aspiration of audiences’ choice. Thus, the effect of creative factors on audiences’ consumptive intention is examined. Past researches of movies on audiences’ consumptive intention usually only focus on the research of director and main actors. As a result, the aim of this research is to understand that a movie receives any one of creative awards will be taken as the representation of movie’s quality and will influence consumptive intention.
There are five variables in the study: award of creative clusters, movie in and out theaters, receive prize or not, and perceived quality, consumptive intention. The research design is an experimental research. The research chooses a movie from Taipei Film Festival, which has won the most awards about the creative factors as experimental video clip. There are 4X2 (4 creative clusters and receive prize or not) experimental groups, and two moderators (in and out theaters) without winning any award. A total of 10 groups are designed. In addition to movie clip represented, participants are requested to fill in a questionnaire with 24 5-point Likert scale questions about perceived quality, consumptive intention and demographics. 338 valid samples collected.
Award-winning actually influences audiences’ consumptive intention via the meditation of perceived quality. The association of creative clusters with audiences’ consumptive intention is significant, movie in and out theaters for audiences’ consumptive intention is not significant. Results revealed audiences regarded any kind of creative clusters were not as the same value. Movies receive the technical cluster award is the most significant cluster to perceived quality, then musical, visual, dramatic. And musical cluster is the most significant cluster for consumptive intention, then visual, technical, dramatic. Still, creativity is the most important factor that influence the consumptive intention. |