本論文以探討循跡系統之控制方法為主要目的,藉由座標轉換及光學編碼器上的脈衝回授訊號進行閉迴路之控制,使得輪型機器人可以達到高精確度的循跡。為了實現所提控制設計,本論文建構一輪型機器人之實驗平台,在控制單元方面是採用美國德州儀器TI所生產的eZdsp F2812數位信號處理器DSP(Digital Signal Processing)作為控制單元,藉由使用具有的多項功能且執行效率極高的DSP來實踐輪型機器人的循跡控制,並搭配利用微軟公司開發的Visual Studio所做出的人機介面以獲取輪型機器人之關移動軌跡數據資料或是給予指定區域位置。經過多次測試,選用最為適當且耐用度較高的馬達驅動模組,另外再決定對控制單元供給最為穩定、適當,且安全無虞的電壓轉換模組。最後整合輪型機器人之整體結構,並驗證其實用性,以達成輪型機器人精確循跡之控制。
With the control of coordinate transformation and the feedback signal of optical encoder, this study was to investigate the control system for the wheeled-mobile robot to obtain high accuracy of tracking. In order to apply the control system to the experiment, a wheeled-mobile robot platform with embedded DSP chip eZdsp F2812 controller made by Texas Instruments (TI) was built. After several experimental tests through the multiple function of the DSP and the human-machine interface of Visual Studio, the most durable and efficient motor driver was chosen. Moreover, the stable voltage regulator was applied to the control system. The results showed that wheeled-mobile robot as the control system had high performance on tracking.