摘要: | 在本研究中探討使用超臨界二氧化萃取山竹果皮中的精油,改變溫度、壓力、共溶劑重量百分比對精油產率的影響,在本實驗中運用33因子實驗設計和中央合成設計,33因子實驗設計每組實驗的條件因子都具有三種水準,在實驗過程中,實驗設計的壓力條件為3000 psi、3700 psi、4400 psi,溫度條件為308 K、318 K、328 K,共溶劑重量百分比條件則為0 %、10 %、20 %,並且重複兩次實驗,共54組。中央合成設計為8個角點、6個軸點以及重複5個中央點的實驗,並對實驗結果進行變異數分析及二階迴歸分析,獲得反應曲面圖和等高線圖並探討所得各項因子及因子間交互作用的顯著性。對比使用索式萃取法進行山竹果皮精油的粗脂率萃取,與超臨界流體萃取實驗結果其產率是否一致,並使用紫外光可見光譜儀分析其兩種萃取法得到的精油成分是否一致。
最後由實驗結果可得知,在實驗條件壓力4400 psi、溫度45℃、共溶劑重量百分比20%時,可以得到最大產率為2.6763,對實驗結果影響最大的實驗因子是共溶劑重量百分比。
In this study, we discussed the effects of yield of essential oil extract from garcinia mangostana by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid under different temperature, pressure,and co-solvent weight percent. We used the 33 factorial design and central composite design in this study. The 33 factorial design is that each experimental team has 3 conditions that the temperature at 308 K, 318 K,and 328 K; the pressure at 3000 psi, 3700 psi,and 4400 psi;and the co-solvent weight percentage at 0%,10%,and20%, each conditions do twice, hence we had 54 results. The central composite design is using 8 corner points, 6 pivot points,and 5 center points to do experiment. Used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and second-order model to analyze the experimental results above, we used the response surface graph and the contour graph ,which were from second-order model, to analyze the significance of interaction of each factors. We also used soxhlet extraction method to compared with supercritical fluid extraction to know whether the yield of essential oil and whether the ingredient of essential oil by use ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy analysis both were the same.
The experimental results reveal that under the experimental conditions that temperature at 45℃, pressure at 4400 psi,and co-solvent weight percent at 20% the yield of essential oil is the maximum,2.6763% ,and that the most effective factor of this experiment is co-solvent weight percent. |