摘要: | 歷史建築的再利用是牽涉到眾多利害關係群體間有形(tangible)與無形(intangible)價值的複雜決策問題,本研究聚焦於透過整合型多準則決策法,優化歷史建築再利用之評估流程,以台北國父史蹟館為導入範例,透過文獻回顧、個案分析與模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)建立決策結構,再以分析網絡決策法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)決定歷史建築再利用方案之優先順序,並透過敏感度分析(Sensitivity Analysis)來探討導入方案面對環境改變時的變化。本研究透過個案分析歸納出四種方案,分別是教育展演、商業利用、社區活動、已及合併上述方案的複合利用,並透過回顧歷史建築與區域再生的相關文獻歸納出評估歷史建築再利用的5大面向與20個準則,透過模糊德爾菲法(FDM)選出16個關鍵準則,並透過分析網絡決策法(ANP)排序四種再利用方案,結果顯示最適合「國父史蹟館」的再利用方案,依序為社區活動、商業利用、教育展演、複合利用,且根據敏感度分析,經濟面向比重降低或社會面向、自然面向比重增加時,商業利用都可能轉變為最佳方案。但在經濟面向與歷史面向 比重提升的情況下,社區活動方案的優先順序都會提升。由此可見在經濟、社會、自然因素改變時,都會直接影響到歷史建築再利用方案的適合性排序。因此本研究建議相關決策單位以滿足歷史建築周邊社區需求之社區活動機能,例如以非營利或是地方政府直接經營如圖書館、社區活動中心、托兒所....等機能為主軸,並在未來空間計畫中,保留歷史建築轉形商業利用的可能性,以便因應現今都市環境快速變遷的趨勢。
Selecting appropriate reuse program for historic building is a complex decision problem which involve tangible and intangible value within numerous stakeholders, the process often been seen as time-consuming and controversial. This study focus on optimized the selection process by using an Integrated MultiCriteria decision-making (MCDM) method, the decision model is based on literature review and case studies, then criteria are elected by applying Fuzzy Delphi Method(FDM).The alternative is prioritize by ANP, and the final Outcome were demonstrated by the case of Sun Yat-sen Historical Museum in Taipei . Through case studies, 4 type of alternative were summarized, namely Education and exhibitions, Commercial use, Community Activities and Composite use, through literature review, 5 aspects and 20 criteria were summarized, after applying Fuzzy Delphi Method(FDM), 16 criteria were selected as critical criteria. The result from ANP showed the priority of reuse program for Sun Yat-sen Historical Museum were(from the highest rank to the lowest) Community Activities, Commercial use, Education and exhibitions, Composite use, and according to sensitivity analysis, when the weight of Economic aspect decrease or Social and Ecology aspects rose, the Commercial use alternative may become the most suitable alternative; when the weight of Economic and historical aspects rose the ranking of Community Activities alternative also increase. Based on above results, this study suggest decision making unit for the reuse of Sun Yat-sen Historical Museum should consider to implant the alternative of Community Activities and retain spatial flexibility for commercial functions in response to rapidly changing socio-economic environment. |