本研究係以「調查法」進行採「立意取樣」之抽樣方式,以基隆市七堵區設籍居民為調查對象,抽取基隆市七堵區五個里居民450名為研究樣本,回收剔除廢卷後,有效問卷共計405份,有效回收率逹90.00%,所使用的測量工具包括:「個人資料調查表」、「健康促進生活型態量表」與「幸福感量表」。以統計軟體SPSS 22.0 版進行各類資料的統計分析,主要研究結果如下:
The purpose of the study was to understand the current situation and correlation of the community residents’ “health-promoting lifestyle” and “well-being” in Cidu District in Keelung City.
The study applied a survey to collect data with purposive sampling method to select community residents of cidu district in Keelung city The reserch samples were 450 in total, with 405 valid and the effective recovery rate was at 90.00%. The research instruments included: Personal Data Questionnaire, Health-promoting Lifestyle Profile, and Well-being Scale were used. The SPSS 22.0 was utilized to analyzed the collected data. Descriptive statistics, One-Samples t Test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used. The researrch results are as follows:
1. The health promotion lifestyles of community residents tends to be good; the highest score of health promotion lifestyles was interpersonal support, and the lowest was physical activity.
2.The well-being of community residents was at moderate level; the highest score of well-being was positive emotion, and the lowest was life satisfication.
3.The relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and well-being was significant moderate positive correlation.
4.The background variables (selfperception of health condition; resident condition) and health promotion lifestyles can effectively predict their well-being, explaining 32% of total variance. Self-perception of health, having the greatest predictive ability. The study shows that community residents with greater self-perception have greater well-being.
Based on the conclusions in this study, it is suggested that community residents should develop the good health-promoting lifestyle of exercise behavior; and enhance the exercise and lesisure lifestyle, In addition, the relevant authorities should improve the health promotion lifestyles and well-being of the community residents.