摘要: | 各企業為了提升競爭力以及不被市場淘汰,必須隨著全球化的腳步運籌及靠著專業分工來永續經營,而專案式的作業方法已逐漸成為組織團隊運作上的趨勢,因此在專案導向下的職場中,無論是領導階級或是職場新鮮人,皆希望可以經由專案管理能力的提升而對個人及組織的工作績效會產生正面的影響。在景氣欠佳的時代,加上資本市場上的客戶受到大環境之影響,資金之活動率已經不如從前,各證券商為了提高公司KPI指標,除了資本市場之外也將財務管理之商品納入KPI指標中,因此專案管理知識體系及方法的運用在證券商營業員上,無非是值得推展的一個管理工具。
In order to enhance competitiveness and stay in the market, every enterprise needs to carefully plan with the pace of globalization and to rely on work specialization for sustainable development. Besides, project-based operation has gradually become a trend in organizations and groups. Thus, people in a project-oriented workplace, no matter they are directors or novices, hope to produce positive influence on performance of in-dividuals and organizations through improving project management competences. Since the clients in the capital market are affected by the business environment, capital mobil-ity has declined during the era of recession. To elevate the key performance indicator (KPI) of companies, every securities firm includes the capital market and the financial management products into the KPI. As a result, for a securities specialist, using the pro-ject management body of knowledge and methods is definitely a management tool worth promoting.
The main purpose of this study is to examine securities specialists’ project man-agement competences and their performance. After we used personality as an interven-ing variable, cited previous articles, and reasoned with logic, we found that it is neces-sary to further investigate the relationship between project management competences and performance.
In this study, we designed a questionnaire for securities specialists and sent 180 questionnaires in total. The questionnaire asked securities specialists’ opinions about their own project management competences, including “quality management,” “cost management,” “time management,” “communication management,” “risk management,” “integration management,” “scope management,” “human-resource management,” performance, and personality. A total of 166 questionnaires were recycled, and the recycle rate was 92.2%.
This study found two main results. First, securities specialists’ “quality manage-ment,” “cost management,” “time management,” “communication management,” “risk management,” “integration management,” “scope management,” and “human-resource management” are all positively correlated with performance. Second, securities special-ists’ “cost management,” “time management,” “communication management,” “risk management,” “integration management,” “scope management,” and “human-resource management” can cause synergistic effect on performance because of different person-alities. |