本研究問題是探討員工心理契約(Psychological contract)與工作熱情(Work passion)之關係並以組織信任(Organizational trust)作為中介變數,經由間接文獻之引用及邏輯之推理,發現兩者之關係有必要進一步釐清。
本研究是透過郵寄問卷(Questionnaires survey)的方式,請會計師事務所員工幫忙填寫。總共寄發了500份問卷,請四大會計師事務所員工對公司的心理契約、組織信任與組織信任之看法,進行填答。總共回收386份,去除無效問卷沒填寫完成者35,總共有效問卷為351份,回收率為70 %。
This study empirically approaches the effect of the relationship between psychological contract and work passion. The mediating role of Organizational trust the above relationship. The study found that through empirical phe-nomenon, existing literature and/or logical reasoning the aforesaid relationship still needs to be clarified.
This study is conducted via questionnaires survey, in which the questionnaires were mailed to Big Four accounting firms in Taiwan. 500 copies of questionnaires sent, 386 filled questionnaires were returned to researcher and after omitting 35 incompletely filled questionnaires, the total responding rate is 70%.
The results indicate that revealed: 1. Employee psychological contract (balanced & relational & transactional) and harmonious passion & obsessive passion was positive related; 2. Organizational trust partial mediated the relationship between psychological contract and work passion.