First, this paper will discuss the topic about what is the meaning of returning unjustified enrichment in public law. The main occurrence of this topic has three aspects which are “the change of property”, “based on the relationship of public law” and “without legal reasons”. This phenomenon caused by the lack of legal reason and the request of changing property.
The purpose of establishing the system of returning unjustified enrichment in public law is to adjust the relationship of various public laws without using any legal reason of changing someone’s property situation, but to follow the appropriate situation of the law. Therefore, returning unjustified enrichment in public law and returning unjustified enrichment in civil code are parallel systems with similar functions.
The returning unjustified enrichment in public law can also divided into three categories based on the right of request or the request person. Those three types are "the request from people to administrative agency ", "the administrative agencies request to each other " and "the administrative agency request to people ".
Under the legal stability of the public law, the request of the property law claims that it has to obey the limitation period, neither it is administrative agency request to people nor people request to administrative agency.
While determine whether the returning unjustified enrichment is valid in the public law cases. The cases must go through all three steps which are “the change of property”, “based on the relationship of public law" and “without legal reasons ".