幾年來,電視遊器(TV GAME)發展迅速,越來越多喜歡玩電視遊樂器的玩家,而隨著潮流趨勢,國內遊戲廠商開始重視並專注在電視遊戲及相關產業的發展趨勢。隨著遊戲玩家需求不斷求新求變,企業無不希望藉由各項產品創新來吸引玩家購買意願,藉由各項產品創新提昇遊戲玩家顧客價值的策略被實地用在各個行業,其主要目的仍是希望以遊戲創新產品讓玩家感受到遊戲軟體不論在商品的多樣化、刺激感與文化差異或感受等等,是否影響遊戲玩家對遊戲軟體的滿意度與購買意願。近年來,國內遊戲軟體與連線網路服務市場趨勢熱絡,玩家人數不斷攀升,市場競爭激烈,引發遊戲業者各項軟體新品的推出。因此,本研究對於電視遊樂器在文化差異上是否與遊戲軟體滿意度與購買意願產生影響之研究。本研究採取驗證性之方法進行,選定國內遊戲玩家消費者為研究對象,並利用統計軟體進行實證分析以探討文化差異對遊戲玩家之滿意度與購買意願是否具有影響。
In recent years, television tour is (TV GAME) has developed rapidly, more and more players like to play video games, and with the trend, the domestic game companies began to pay attention and focus on the development trend in video games and related industries. As gamers' needs are continually changing, enterprises are all hoping the innovative products to attract players to purchase intent, by the product innovation to improve customer value strategy gamers field is used in various industries, its main purpose still hope that the game allows players to feel the innovative products regardless of game software in diverse goods, excitement and cultural differences or feelings, etc., affect the game players of the game software satisfaction and purchase intention. In recent years, the domestic game software market trends and connecting networks and services warm, the rising number of players, fierce competition in the market, causing the game industry the introduction of new software. Therefore, this study whether for video games and game software satisfaction and willingness to study the impact of the purchase of produce on cultural differences. This study was carried out to take the method of verification of selected domestic gamers consumers for the study, using statistical software and empirical analysis to explore the cultural differences of the gamer satisfaction and purchase intention whether influence.