摘要: | 微核分析試驗可做為生物體內藥品遺傳毒性的指標。本研究目的是要在牛蛙體內建立微核分析系。以單一藥品注射及雙次藥品注射的方法誘導體髓細胞內微核的形成,發現單一注射可以誘導較多的微核產生。為了發展出一個更敏感更具潛力的分析試驗方法,我們以一種已知的致癌╱致變劑cyclophosphamide (CP)生物體內誘沁微核形成故為評估,動物分別以腹腔注射0,1,2,4,16,32,64, mg/kg的CP,並分別在藥品注射後24,48,72,96,120,144小時,將動物昏迷後取骨髓細胞出來分析。隨著藥品劑量增加,誘導產生的微核樓目也呈植線增加。然而隨劑量增加,CP會抑制細胞分裂,以64 mg/kg的高劑量誘導出的微核數目並非最高。以32 mg/kg CP處裡72小時之,誘導產生的微核數目達到最高峰。依本研究結果,我們建立骨髓細胞微核分析技術,有助於在短時間內,測試其它化學物品的遺傳毒性。
Micornculesu assay can be used as an indicator of in vivo genotoxicity. The purpose of this research was to establish an in vivo micronucleus assay system in Rana catesbeiana. A single-dosage and a double-dosage method were applied in bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) bone marrow cells for in vivo micronucleus formation. As a first step in developing a potentially more sensitive assay system, microncleus induction by cyclophosphamide (CP) was assessed in an in vivo system. The animals were treated i.p. with 0,1,2,4,16,32,64 mg/kg of CP and the animals were sacrificed respectively, 24,48,72,96, 120,144 h later. A dose-dependent increase in the induction of microncleus was observed. However, CP caused a dose-related inhibition of call division, at a high dosage of 64mg/kg, CP did not induce the highest number of micronucleus. The highest numbers of micronucleus was observed 72 h after a single injection of 32 mg/kg CP. Base on the results we obtained, the micronucleus assay in bullfrog bone marrow cells can be used as a potential detecting system for genotoxicity of chemial compounds. |