本研究嘗試利用火山熔岩內礦物順向排列所形成的特徵,來了解火山熔岩的流動方向。這個工作分析了大屯火山群的華岡熔岩台地岩石,從野外採集定向標本開始,將所有標本沿水平面製作成定向岩石薄片,最後,以Image Pro Plus軟體分析礦物的排列方向。初步分析結果顯示,斜長石長寬比大於2的優勢方向與地形面之傾向相近,能夠明確反應熔岩流向,並指出來源區域。角閃石統計的結果不甚理想,可能原因為此區域岩石內所含之角閃石數量較少,造成該礦物統計數量較為不足,導致結果易產生偏差之現象。
This study is aimed to understand the lava flow via mineral alignment. First, the samples were obtained from HwaKang lava platform with in-situ orientation measured. Second, the samples are made to oriented thin section. Finally, we analyze the mineral alignment by Image Pro Plus. The preliminary results of this study show that the ration of longitudinal to lateral of plagioclase is greater than 2 which indicate the flow follows the surface. However, the same technique fails to apply to hornblendes perhaps due to lack of hornblende presents.