This study has attempted to examine various city-regions in Taiwan, in terms of their spatial arrangements, internal structures, hierachies and changing over times.
Some significant conclusions have been reached as follows:
(1) The greater the number of population in central-city, the greater the area, the magnitude and the growth rate of population, and the diversification of internal structure of the city- region as a whole tend to be.
(2) The urban places in Taiwan included in this study is characterized by a series, of city-regions which consist of large, medium and small cities, and a particular way of spatial arrangement in which the large central-cities occupy the core areas of the city-regions.
(3) The arrangement of city-regions in terms of their hierachy is distinguishable, forming a pyramid structure on which Taipei city-region occupied its apex.
(4) In the process of industrialization, the function of city-region as a whole has tended to be specialized.
(5) A city-region to be fully developed has to pass five different stages, that is:
A. Centrifugal stag,
B. Centrifugal and Expanded stage,
C. Initial Centripetal stage,
D. Centripetal stage,
E. Centripetal and Expanded stage.