本研究計畫旨在評估土壤沖蝕與生產力的關係,以3種不同施肥量處理,2種不同 沖蝕量處理,2重複進行田間試驗栽培魯冰與玉米。結果顯示土壤沖蝕是造成農作物減產的 主要原因,施肥可以減輕土壤沖蝕對生產量的衝擊程度,但是仍然無法補救沖蝕造成的損害 。因為玉米減產幅度已超出百分之五十,也就是說,沖蝕多過30公分表土,以玉米作物生長 於寶山農場土壤,已遠超出可容許的土壤流失量。比較其他作物如魯冰,玉米可算是一敏感 作物。因此,作物的可容許土壤流失量應定比較低。
The objective of this study is to assess the relationship between erosion and soil productivity. Results from field studies, using 3 fertility levels and 2 erosion treatments with 2 replications, indicated that soil erosion is the major factor affecting yield loss. Fertilizer input has reclaimed most but not all of the losses resulting from soil removal. Because the maize yield decline has exceeded 50%, topsoil removal rate of 30 cm is beyond the tolerable soil loss limit at Paoshan Experiment Farm . This also points to the fact that maize crops are most sensitive to erosion- induced damage. Stricter soil loss tolerance limit should be imposed on maize crops than on lupin.