工業區位在選擇上時常面臨許多決策,評估準則也必須全方考量,少數的決策者通常無法全面的掌握各種變因。因此本文以群體決策方式建立準則,共選擇了7項評估因素與16項準則,以層級分析法(Analysis Hierarchy Process, AHP)計算各準則的權重值,依據專家的語意尺度求取模糊隸屬函數,轉換爲明確值,分別計算績效值在各種準則權重下所占的比率,並以北部三地區仗的評估優劣爲例,建立工業區位的評估模式,選擇最適工業區位。
The selection of industrial location always faces several decision factors. When the rules of evaluation changes, decision makers would hesitate to control all factors. This paper try to establish the criteria using group decision making and choose 7 evaluation factors and 16 criteria. To calculate the weighted value of each rule by Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and fuzzy membership function to transfer into a real value. The ratio of performance value under its weight is calculated to evaluate the benefits/weakness of industrial location. This paper offers an evaluation module for selecting the industrial location.