對於研究區域發展的學者,都市對於鄰近廣大鄉村地區發展之影響,無疑的是個重要的核心問題。諸多學說也都針對這個問題而提出,其中,舒滋(Schu1tz)的「工業都市假說」(Industrial-urban Hypothesis, IUH)及貝降(Perroux)的「成長中心同論」(Growth-center theory)是其學偉大者而較爲人所知悉的。本文的目的是企圖以台灣作爲個案研究,以驗證上述的理論。
首先,經由製造業之區位商數(Location Quotient)選出可能的成長中心(台北與高雄除外),然後,利用Q模式主因子分析(Q-mode principal Component Analysis)將一些經濟與社會等變數編製出因子(component),以作爲代表「發展」(Development)的指標,最後,再以線性迴歸(Linear regression)來分析與成長中心不同距離之鄉村的發展程度。有鑑於1990年代之後,台灣工業化已進入所謂後工業化時代的發展,本研究重點在探討傳統工業化的影響,故以1980年代的資料作爲分析的恨據,結果得到如下的結論:
一般而言,除了一、二個例子外,假設中的成長中心並沒有顯著的效益擴散作用(spread effect)。易言之,鄉村地區的發展與距離成長中心的遠近無明顯而強烈的關連性,因而,統計上無法有效地證明IUH學說與成長中心理論在台灣的有效性。但此結論的正確性可能因下列的考慮而受到質疑,首先,我們排除了台北與高雄這兩個超大型的成長中心,其影響力可能擴及全台灣而超越其他都市的影響力。其次,本文中以區位商數這種相對(不是絕對)標準來檢定成長中心,可能不適合IUH的觀念。最後,鄉村的發展與作爲成長中心之都市間的距離,無顯著關連這事實,也可能顯示出鄉村工業化本身足以減少對成長中心的依賴程度,當然,還可能有其他的影響因素,這些都有符進一步的嚐試與探討。
It's out of question that the problem of industrial-urban inflnences on rural development has become one of the significant topics to most of the regional scientists Schultz's ”Industrial-Urban Hypothesis (IUH)” and Perroux's ”Growth-center theory” are among the most important ones. The purpose of this paper is trying to testify the aforementioned theories, with a case study of Taiwan.
First of all, the purposed growth-centers were selected by caculating the location quotient of the manufacturing activities, then, sorted out the components as the index of ”development” from the economic and social variables, by using Q-mode principal compoment analysis. Finally, linear regression was employed in order to interprete the relation ship between the distance from the purposed growth centers and the rural development. The reason for using the data of 1980s, instead of that of 1990s, for this analysis is that, after 1990s Taiwan was entering the so celled post-industrialization era and the purpose of this paper is trying to investigate the industrial-urban influences on rural development under traditional industrlalization.