臺灣地區四面環海,沿海區域蘊藏豐富的生物種類及景觀資源,為能達到對海岸地區各項資源之保護與管理,可利用地理資訊系統具有分析、處理、儲存及展現空間資料的特性,迅速有效地整合大量相關資料,以落實沿海保護區域的永續經營。 故本研究主要是針對臺灣東部沿海地區,包括濱海陸域及近岸海域之海岸地區為研究範圍,進行其環境生態資源之調查,建立海岸分區管理系統,檢討與調整海岸保護區範圍,最後建置沿海地區環境生態資原資料庫與其查詢系統,並結合飛行模擬技術,以輔助沿海保護區域的經營管理。
Taiwan is surrounded by sea, contains the abundant biological kind and landscape resource in the coastal area. In order to reach the protection and management of every resource in the coast area, we utilize the characteristic of the geographic information system to deal with store and represent the space materials and to combine a large amount of relevant materials promptly and efficiently. The coastal zone in eastern Taiwan in mainly our study area, including strand land-based area and nearly bank coast of sea area. In this study, we collect all the marine lives, coastal live, cultural and landscape resources data available at the present time. We also establish an environmental and ecological resource database, and an inquire system which enable one to inquire the information available in the database. By combining the satellite images and fly simulation technique, we demonstrate that environmental and ecological resource database could be sued to protect the management and administration of the coastal zone in the study area.