臺灣高山區是否存在冰河遺跡,爭論已久。近5年來,王鑫等(1998、1999 )、崔之久等(1999、2000)的第四紀冰河研究,都在雪山山區發現大量冰蝕與冰積証據,進一步証實60多年前鹿野忠雄所提出的冰河論點。由於缺乏冰積物的定年資料,這些研究都未能詳細論述臺灣高山所發生過的冰期。因此本研究選擇雪山黑森林與369山莊兩地點挖掘冰磧剖面,分析冰磧物的沉積特性。並採TL(熱螢光)定年法,求取雪山山區的絕對冰期年代,同時再對比中國大陸點蒼山、太白山、螺髻山以及日本與夏威夷高山區所發生的冰期。研究結果顯示,雪山山區極可能只存有末次冰期的証據。又由TL定年資料得知,雪山山區的末次冰期又可劃分成末次冰期早期與晚期,年代分別為60~40kaBP和30~10kaBP。
There is an argument for a long time about whether there are glacial relics in Taiwan alpine regions. Many studies about the Quaternary glacier, including Wang et al.. (1998、1999)and Cui et al.. (1999、2000), indicated that there are many evidences in the cirques of Shesan Peak, which prove Kano's points about glaciers in Taiwan high mountain areas. Although many glacial relics were found in Taiwan alpine regions but in early day Japanese geologists did not give the age, because lacking dating data of glacial sediments. Sample for dating was collected at Shesan black forest and 369 hut in Shesan area, in each profile was dug. According to sediment analysis、TL dating data and comparison with the Quateranry glaciation of Dincangsan.、Taibaisan、Loujiesan in Eastern Mainland China and Japanese and Hawaii high mountains, the results reveal that the Last Glaciation may occur in Taiwan alpine regions, and can be further divided into Early Glaciation and Late Glaciation Stage. The absolute age for both are 60~40kaBP and 30~10kaBP.