生態旅遊是國內外旅遊與學術界相當熱門的一項議題,也是觀光永續發展的熱門議題之一,更是達到資源永續利用的關鍵性策略。因此,本研究依據國外在生態旅遊與生態旅遊守則上的發展過程及所做的努力與成果,嘗試發展符合台灣特有的生態旅遊遊客行為守則。本研究選擇墾丁國家公園做為主要研究區域,藉由質性研究中參與觀察法與文件分析法,深入探討遊客在墾丁國家公園參與生態旅遊時的不當行為。同時針對墾丁國家公園義務解說員及專業學生領隊進行問卷調查,以使研究結果更具客觀性與代表性。最後採用Creswell於1994年針對混合質性與量化研究多元應用方法中所提出的「主-輔設計(the dominant-less dominant design)」,亦即以質性研究為主,量化研究為輔的方式,歸納與整合遊客可能出現的不當行為。並據此研擬墾丁國家公園生態旅遊的遊客行為守則。
Ecotourism has become a very popular topic in tourist departments and the academic community. The principle guiding tourist industries began to move towards sustainability, and the most crucial strategy is how to achieve sustained utilization of resources. Kenting National Park is the first national park in Taiwan to open her ecologically preserved areas to tourists for purposes of environmental education. It is also Taiwan's only national park which include coastline. Currently, it has become Taiwan's famous tourist spot. This study selected four scenic spots of Kenting National Park as sites for research. Through qualitative research, including participant observation and dcoument analysis method, this paper conducted an in-depth study on the inappropriate behavior of tourists in Kenting National Park. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the volunteer interpreters and special student leaders to acquire a more objective result. Finally, by applying the ”dominant-less dominant design” by Creswell in 1994, which was based on method of mixed qualitative and quantitative research, the authors classify and integrate the most often inappropriate behavior of tourists. This research prepared an ecotourism guidelines for Kenting National Park tourists.